It’s that time of year again that people may be looking at burning unwanted rubbish or yard waste.
It is very important that the residents in the town of Bentley understand what is allowed to be burned and when.
Please be aware of the bylaws that have been put in place to ensure the safety and comfort of the town residents. Here are a few bylaw excerpts to help.
If you are a resident of Lacombe County, a fire permit must be acquired as of April 1. Please go to for more information.
If you must burn, please burn safe.
BY-LAW NO. 100/06
Garbage collection and disposal bylaw
7. Burning Regulations
7.1 Burning is permitted only in metal barrels or drums or incinerators.
7.2 No person shall burn or be responsible for the burning of any rubber, leather, bones, tar paper, treated wood products, plastic or any other material emitting hazardous fumes or an offensive odor, within the limits of the Town of Bentley at any time.
7.3 No person shall burn or be responsible for the burning of any waste, refuse or garbage before sunrise and after sunset on any day of the week and not on Sunday, Monday, or on any recognized holiday.
7.4 Any person who burns is entirely responsible to ensure that the burning takes place without danger to other properties or inconvenience to neighbouring properties and the Town shall in no way be held responsible for any damage or inconvenience experienced.
By-law No. 165/2013
Community Standards By-law
No person shall engage in any activity that is likely to allow smoke, dust or other airborne matter to disturb other people located in adjacent or near-by properties.
By-law No. 128/2008
10. Recreation Fires (Fire Pits and Barbeques)
a) Recreational Fires are permitted, subject to the following specifications;
- a required minimum of 3.3 metres (10 feet) clearance, measured from the nearest fire pit edge to building, property line or other combustible materials
- the height does not exceed 0.6 metres (23.4 inches) when measured from the surrounding grade to the top of the pit opening
- the pit opening does not exceed 1 metre (39 inches) in width or in diameter when measured between the widest points or the outside edge
- it is constructed of enclosed sides made from bricks, concrete blocks, heavy gauge metal or other suitable non-combustible material
- it must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult person over the age of 18 until such time as the fire has been completely extinguished. For the purposes of this clause, a fire shall be deemed to include hot ashes and smoldering embers resulting from the fire.
- it has a spark arrester mesh screen with openings no larger than 1.25 centimetres (.75 inch), constructed of expanded metal (or equivalent) to cover the fire pit opening in a manner sufficient to contain and reduce the hazard of airborne sparks
- only wood, charcoal briquettes, manufactured fire logs, fireplace pellets, propane or natural gas are used
- the flames do not exceed a height of 91 centimetres (3 feet) above the barbeque or fire pit
15. Illegal Fires
a) Any Enforcement Officer or Member or Employee of the Town may extinguish an illegal fire using whatever apparatus or procedure, at his sole discretion, is deemed appropriate
b) The costs of controlling or extinguishing any illegal fire shall be recovered from the person causing the illegal fire.